Tuesday, May 14, 2013

THE EISENHOWER-ALIEN SUMMIT AT EDWARDS AFB; The attempt to hide the truth results in its accidental telling.

(Part One of Three Parts)

This is the story of the alleged summit between President Eisenhower and extraterrestrials in 1954, which we think we first read about in a letter from an “elderly mystic” from Los Angeles named Gerald Light.  You learn a couple of things.  You learn that the government clumsily edits such tales for publication, burying the truth; that aliens have dark motives that must remain secret; and that Remote Viewing works and was declassified in order to advance the disinformation agenda.  But bear with me.

As with all things connected to the government-UFO issue, the path to certain knowledge is rocky and enmazed.  There are apparently competing interests, even among those who do not wish to keep the whole thing a secret forever.  At least one meddler in the Ike story has planted proof of its falsehood for you to find. It is as though those who originally controlled the story through secrecy and official intimidation want to reveal it but cannot give too many accurate details, or want to divert focus and trivialize study.

The result is a weird chess game in which things can prove their opposites and fake evidence is created so that an investigator will recognize it as fake and, as whoever planted it hopes, declare that UFOs and aliens are imaginary.   The archivists of the Secret have apparently examined the files going back decades to find any holes in the censor’s cloak— and sewn them up with whole cloth.  These hacks have absorbed popcultural memes and themes and implanted nonsense into history so that the most active theorists would find verification.

The “Gerald Light letter” is the first piece of evidence to examine.  The second piece is the set of inferences presented by the circumstantial evidence of the time and place, and what people were doing there.  The third piece is the masked report of a Remote Viewer, who allegedly presents himself in the hangar while the summit takes place.  In addition to these versions, there are incidental accounts by two or three others; and we have to consider what may be hidden in the sealed records of the Los Angeles Diocese.   

The whole story is easy to debunk if you presume that 1) the Light letter is a hoax or delusion; 2) the public account of Eisenhower’s actions and whereabouts during the summit is true and not a cover story; 3) a “Remote Viewer” is creating a backstory or engaged in “retroactive consistency” (or “retcon”) as part of a disinformation effort; and 4) other incidental accounts are fabricated as part of a systematic conspiracy to cause a very few researchers to believe what is not true or could not be true.

To debunk the summit demands the adoption of far-out premises...

In other words, the conspiracy necessary to debunk the Ike-alien summit is complex and ridiculous, and demands the adoption of far-out premises.  The dubious logic of the debunker in this case places him among the “fringe” theorists commonly ridiculed by “skeptics” and, in the popular media, as nutjobs in tinfoil hats.  Why Light would write such a letter, and coincidentally mention the correct historical circumstances (Eisenhower’s “disappearance” from Palm Springs on February 20, 1954) is just one of the challenging elements.

The organization founded by Meade Layne (1882-1961; described as an “obscurantist researcher” and “metaphysicist),” is still in operation, and teaches that the UFO aliens are “Etherians,” sentient beings from another plane of existence.  He once produced a letter (widely reported as having been received by him April 16, 1954, though the document is not dated) from Gerald Light, an elderly contributor to Layne’s paratheosophic research publication: Light claims to have seen and met the Etherians at an Air Force base in 1954:

Gerald Light
10545 Scenario Lane
Los Angeles, California

My dear friends: I have just returned from Muroc.  The report is true— devastatingly true!  I made the journey in company with Franklin Allen of the Hearst papers and Edwin Nourse of Brookings Institute (Truman's erstwhile financial advisor) and Bishop MacIntyre of L.A. (confidential names for the present, please).

When we were allowed to enter the restricted section (after about six hours in which we were checked on every possible item, event, incident and aspect of our personal and public lives), I had the distinct feeling that the world had come to an end with fantastic realism.  For I have never seen so many human beings in a state of complete collapse and confusion, as they realized that their own world had indeed ended with such finality as to beggar description.

The reality of the “other plane” aeroforms is now and forever removed from the realms of speculation and made a rather painful part of the consciousness of every responsible scientific and political group.  During my two days’ visit I saw five separate and distinct types of aircraft being studied and handled by our Air Force officials— with the assistance and permission of the Etherians!

I have no words to express my reactions.  It has finally happened.  It is now a matter of history.

President Eisenhower, as you may already know, was spirited over to Muroc[1] one night during his visit to Palm Springs recently. And it is my conviction that he will ignore the terrific conflict between the various 'authorities' and go directly to the people via radio and television— if the impasse continues much longer.  From what I could gather, an official statement to the country is being prepared for delivery about the middle of May.

I will leave it to your own excellent powers of deduction to construct a fitting picture of the mental and emotional pandemonium that is now shattering the consciousness of hundreds of our scientific “authorities” and all the pundits of the various specialized knowledges that make up our current physics.  In some instance I could not stifle a wave of pity that arose in my own being as I watched the pathetic bewilderment of rather brilliant brains struggling to make some sort of rational explanation which would enable them to retain their familiar theories and concepts.  And I thanked my own destiny for having long ago pushed me into the metaphysical woods and compelled me to find my way out.  To watch strong minds cringe before totally irreconcilable aspects of “science” is not a pleasant thing.  I had forgotten how commonplace things as dematerialization of “solid” objects had become to my own mind.  The coming and going of an etheric, or spirit, body has been so familiar to me these many years I had forgotten that such a manifestation could snap the mental balance of a man not so conditioned.  I shall never forget those forty-eight hours at Muroc!


The relevant Remote Viewing (RV) report is reprinted in full in Alien Agenda (1997) by Jim Marrs.  The use of RV reports as disinformation is not widely known, but it appears that the CIA released the RV program (after heavy financing at the Stanford Research Institute and Science Applications International Corp.) just in order to unleash the Viewers from their security clearances and allow them to roam the Internet and fill the Selfhelp shelves with astral scams.  The effect was to nearly totally discredit the RV phenomenon.

The Viewer states that he saw a U.S. President at an Air Force base in the early 1950s get out of his car, meet the occupants of a fleet of flying saucers, then go into a hangar to discuss the motives of the aliens and their relationship with the American government and the people of Earth.  The aliens and the U.S. apparently came to some sort of agreement, if not a treaty.  The base was in a desert; the military guards wore shiny blue helmets.  The Viewer later confirmed that, although he didn’t at first recognize him, the president was in fact Eisenhower.

In another thread, I have tried to show the problems inherent in the RV process.  To use a good example, many Viewers have for some reason tried to visualize or visit the Alamo during its battle in 1836.  Perhaps this is because the building is iconic and the imprint on the national memory is a handy psychic landmark.  The problem is, however, that most of the Alamo Viewers picture the battle as a mass attack on a gigantic citadel obviously identified as the Alamo church, which was merely one building in the immense Alamo fort.[2]

This kind of distortion[3] is obviously a benefit to those who keep the Secret, since it discredits the practice of Remote Viewing and distracts attention from some of the authentic discoveries and visions experienced by the Viewers; and this is probably why the program was officially renounced in the 1990s.  The best Viewers had to be controlled by threat and assassination, especially after having enthusiastically exposed themselves to extraterrestrial and metaphysical “realities,” or political secrets.

At taxpayer expense, the government has proven and practiced supernatural reality...

Think of it in terms of religious experience.  Apparently, at taxpayer expense, the government has proven and practiced supernatural reality— then clamped a lid on it.  It is only supernatural because it represents an expansion of human consciousness and experience; if we were free to follow where it leads, we would eventually meet the seam between this world and the next, where all consciousness and experience as we know it stops— and another kind begins.  It is here, where heaven and earth meet, that the government has put up a fence.

According to William H. Moore (1989), “a bizarre fellow from the Hollywood hills named Gerald Light …in an April 16, 1954 letter to the head of a Southern California metaphysical organization, actually claimed to have been at Edwards where he saw Ike,[4] …saucers and …aliens. Light's letter has been controversial for years and copies of it have turned up in all sorts of places, including the National Enquirer.”  Controversial, but never accurately dated.

“Investigation into Mr. Light's background, however, turned up the fact that he was an elderly mystic who believed that psychic ‘out-of-body-experiences’ were a logical extension of the reality of life and should be treated as such. In the final analysis, Light's alleged visit to Edwards was just such an experience.”[5]  In the letter, though, Light claims to have just returned from a two-day visit to Muroc— two months after Eisenhower’s vacation to Palm Springs, during which Ike “disappeared” from the press for one night. 

It is possible that Light was referring to a second visit, or had confused the dates, or that he or Layne had invented the whole experience.  The confusion of dates is unlikely, since he writes the letter as soon as he returns and excitedly refers to the events as just having happened to him.  The third possibility— that the letter is a hoax— is unlikely because of its accidental details and what, to the writer, might have seemed inconsequential.  Why, for example, would you create a hoax and not place yourself at the base with Eisenhower? 

In any event, if the letter is a hoax, it isn’t because of a confusion of dates.  It doesn’t seem likely that Light would refer to other important people who were present and omit President Eisenhower; in addition, he mentions Ike having been whisked away to Edwards “recently,” i.e., two months before.  The simplest and best explanation is that Light is referring to an alien conference in April.  However, the very fact that the letter refers to a second meeting is, itself, circumstantial evidence that at least one occurred.

It seems likely that, had he visited with aliens in February, he would not have been unaware of another visit with a select panel of older “wise men” two months later.  If he had to attend to secretive interplanetary diplomacy during this time, he would have had to be free of other mundane presidential chores and meetings.  So the question remains: what was Ike doing on the two dates in question— that is, between April 10-16, and from February 17-24, 1954?  Are there any unexplained absences?  Was he free to attend secret summits in the West?

On April 7, 1954, the President delivered his famous “Domino Theory” speech during a press conference, in response to the impending French loss of Indochina.  He was still in Washington on April 9, when he delivered an address in the Rose Garden in the afternoon.  The next day, he awarded the Medal of Honor to Lt. Benjamin Wilson at Lowry Air Force Base (near Denver) at 11:30 a.m.— in absentia, since he was actually playing golf at the time in Maryland.  He signed some documents, but not until April 12.

He did not give another news conference until April 29, signed no Executive Orders until April 17, and no Signing Statements until May 6.  He was therefore free to visit Muroc between April 10 and 16. On the morning of the 10th, a Saturday, he had a meeting with Harry Butcher, a radio broadcaster who had served as his Naval Aide in WWII, and posed with a large election committee group, all in the White House— and then went off before noon to the Burning Tree Golf Club in Bethesda, Maryland.

He returned with the Governor of Colorado before dinner, but here is a five-hour hiatus in which he is, basically, unaccounted for by his formal appointment record.  He is supposedly at the Burning Tree Golf Club (at “11:12”) playing golf with three men, none of them the two he left the White House with (Gov. Dan Thornton of Colorado and Congressman Charles Halleck (R-Ind.), the House Majority Leader).  The gap could not account, however, for a cross-country flight to Edwards AFB and back. 

The next day he goes to the National Presbyterian Church in the morning and meets with the Secretary of the Treasury in the afternoon.  He is on the record as being in the White House over the next few days, and has a meeting of the National Security Council on Tuesday, April 13, and went to the opening game at Griffith Stadium in the afternoon.  And here is where he would have been able to use his incessant golfing vacations as a cover for any secret meeting anywhere in the country.

On the evening of the 13th, Ike flew to Augusta, Georgia, with a large group, and played golf there from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. on the 14th.  In the evening “The President fished.”  This leaves two other gaps of time, from the evening of April 13 to the early afternoon of the 14th; and the evening of the 14th, lasting until 9:00 a.m. the morning of the 15th, at which time he signs a bill in the presence of reporters.  The 15th is a Thursday; he plays golf from 10 a.m., and thereafter “fished” until 7 p.m.  The next day, more golf, until rained out at the 14th hole.

That’s about it.  He is in the presence of congressmen, the press, family and friends, and White House personnel, including Vice President Richard Nixon, throughout the week, but no one is with him when he “fished,” and some of the time he golfs he seems to have a cover group of golfers apart from other men he is actually traveling with.  The only way that he might have gone to a Western AFB during this time is during the all-day golf trip on the 10th or from 2:00 p.m. April 13 until 9:00 a.m. April 15.  These are times in which he could have traveled.

Is it possible he was at Edwards, whether or not he actually met with aliens?

If this is when he went to Edwards, or spent time closely monitoring events there, he was pretending to golf and fish in Georgia at the time, much of the fishing done by himself.  This would fit in snugly with Gerald Light’s timeline of two or three days before the 16th.  The February Appointment Book shows a Palm Springs vacation— day after day of parties and golfdates, banquets and testimonials, in the company of the Hollywood and D.C. elite, with a healthy retinue of local politicians and millionaires.

How much of the story can be verified by other sources?  That is, is it possible that Eisenhower was at Edwards Air Force base in 1954, whether or not he actually met with any aliens?  If he did meet with them, or something like that happened, we might expect to see a coverup, that is, signs of the story having been suppressed or concealed.  We also might expect to see some other version from an independent source.  As it is, we have both of these.  How might it look if the story is bogus, and Ike only went out to, say, get a tooth fixed?

Everyone noticed that Eisenhower slipped away from the press and other witnesses the evening of Saturday, February 20.  “When members of the press learned that the president was not where he should be, rumors ran rampant that he had either died or was seriously ill,” according to William H. Moore.  Ike’s health was not good, and even he spoke of a one-term presidency because of it. “The story [of his disappearance] even managed to get onto a press wire before being killed moments later.” 

“To quell the fuss, White House Press Secretary James Haggerty called an urgent late evening press conference to announce  'solemnly’ that the president had been enjoying fried chicken earlier that evening, had knocked a cap off a tooth, and had been taken to a local dentist for treatment.”[6]  Eisenhower, 63, might well have had a dental emergency of that type, but his was a thoroughly-documented presidency; all of his health problems[7] and doctor visits are a matter of record, and there is a file just for dental work— with no record of the lost cap.

After the peculiar dental visit, “When Ike turned up as scheduled the next morning for an early church service, the matter seemed ended.”  However, “although the Palm Springs trip was billed as a ‘vacation for the president,’ the trip appears to have come up rather suddenly,” and “In addition, it is a matter of record that Ike had returned from a quail shooting vacation in Georgia less than a week before leaving for Palm Springs.”[8]  Edwards Air Force Base is 133 miles from Palm Springs at the abandoned township of Muroc.[9]

Though “it should constitute a rather memorable event for those involved,” to have been Ike’s emergency dentist, “the dentist's widow, in a June, 1979 interview, was curiously unable to recall any specifics …not even the time of day it had occurred. Yet her memory appeared flawless when asked to relate details of her and her husband's attendance (by presidential invitation) at a steak fry the following evening,[10] where her husband was introduced as ‘the dentist who had treated the president.’”

The Eisenhower Library “maintains an extensive index of records relating to the president's health,” but “no record of any dental work having been performed at all during February, 1954.  A file on ‘Dentists’ contains nothing concerning any such incident either.”  In addition to this omission, the dentist isn’t mentioned in “a large file containing copies of all sorts of acknowledgments which were sent by the White House to people who had something to do with the Palm Springs trip.

“There are letters, for example, to people who sent flowers, people who met the airplane, people who had offered to play golf, etc.  There is even a thank you letter to the minister who presided over the Sunday service Ike attended.  Yet there is no record of any acknowledgment having been sent to ‘the dentist who treated the president.’”  This is another anomaly impossible for a debunker to explain.  “If the matter were as routine as Haggerty attempts to make it appear, then the absence of these records seems strangely inconsistent…”[11]


[1] Muroc was mostly deserted when its land was taken over by the Air Force and made part of Edwards Air Force Base, early on sometimes known as Muroc Air Field.
[2] Two of the original fortbuildings have survived, one of them having a scant pictorial history.  Most people think of the Alamo the way the Viewers saw and sketched it— a single enormous building in the desert, with a roof and numerous windows in its façade. 

The actual building is much smaller and was roofless in the battle, and had only three large windows in front, none of them used as portals for riflemen.

[3] Another series of Alamo Remote Viewing narratives, apparently done under auspices of the official program, describes the battle so accurately that the Viewer sincerely had no idea where he was and what he was seeing.  He had been given only map coordinates and told to focus on the “commanding officer,” Lt. Col. W.B. Travis.
[4] A careful reading of the letter shows that Light does not claim to have seen Ike when he saw the aliens.  He mentions the President in passing and refers to him having been spirited away to Muroc on a recent visit to Palm Springs.

The reference fits with the gap in Ike’s personal record on the evening of February 20, 1954; the Light letter is written two months later.  That being said, there is no date on the face of the document.  Light’s visit at the base lasted for “forty-eight hours;” Ike’s would have been much shorter, about two hours.

[5] William H. Moore, Gazette, Hollywood, California, March29, 1989; Cited at www.ufocasebook.com
[6] The Appointment Book states “8:00 pm  Sometime between 8:00 and 10:00p.m., the President broke cap off of a front tooth and he went to a dentist in Palm Springs to have it fixed.”

[7] He was a chain smoker until 1949, when he quit for health reasons;  and suffered a heart attack in 1955, which affected his political solvency.

8] Palm Springs in those days was a favored vacation town for wealthy and powerful people, movie stars and retired gangsters.  It has since lost some of its luster, but is still full of money and golfcourses.  Rich Republicans have always loved the place, and it enjoys “350 days of sunshine” and very little rain, with February temperatures in the 70s during the day.

As for the trip coming up “suddenly,” after a recent vacation, a perusal of the president’s activities shows that two vacations back-to-back were not unusual for him, and that the Palm Springs trip was well-planned in advance, containing numerous social visits and events.  If anything, the alien summit was included because it fit so well into an already-planned vacation.

[9] Edwards AFB is linked by itshigh-tech flight programs, and geography, to Area 51, a five-hour drive across an iron desert, skirting Las Vegas. 

Midway, you pass through Barstow and Pahrump, and that’s about it—except, of course, for the Yarrow Ravine Rattlesnake Habitat Area, and Jackass Flats along the Mercury Highway. 

The average temperature at the California end in the summer is about 110, daily, and you already know how hot Las Vegas is. 

[10] There were more than a hundred people at this event, including the movie producers Darryl Zanuck and Samuel Goldwyn; it isn’t extraordinary that the widow should remember this event and its social swirl at the expense of a dental visit with which she had nothing to.

[11]   Quotations are from William H. Moore, Gazette, Hollywood, California, March 29, 1989; Cited at www.ufocasebook.com.  Other matters mentioned are not inexplicable, but this lack of record is, in light of the excessive recordkeeping marking the surrounding events.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Note on the “Majestic Documents”

             I have been using particular documents salvaged from the incinerator of history according to a protocol developed by Dr. Robert Wood and his son Ryan Wood.  Anyone can visit their website and see everything for himself.  The original MJ-12 documents have been out in the public for many years, but they lacked any companion material, and had to stand the test of scrutiny alone and without much to recommend them; they were in fact declared “BOGUS” on every page by the FBI.

According to the Wood site, “Majestic Documents.com is a groundbreaking look at the United States UFO program called Majestic and the top secret government documents that tell the story of presidential and military action, authorization, and cover-up regarding UFOs and their alien occupants,” and “the first to authenticate top secret UFO documents that tell a detailed story of the crashed discs, alien bodies, presidential briefings, and superb secrecy.” 

The documents are traced as far back to their sources as possible.  “Special attention is paid to the forensic authentication issues of content, provenance, type, style and chronology.  The story the documents tell leaves the reader with little doubt that the cover-up is real, shocking, and at times unethical.”  More than that: if only a portion of the material might be proven authentic, and at least that much of it has been, the public has been victimized for decades by a deliberate propagandizing.

“Operation Majestic-12 was established by special classified presidential order on September 24, 1947 at the recommendation of Secretary of Defense James Forrestal and Dr. Vannevar Bush, Chairman of the Joint Research and Development Board. The goal of the group was to exploit everything they could from recovered alien technology.”  This much is also established by consistent documentary proof from sources outside the Woods’ Majestic collection, and Forrestal and Bush would have been at the center of any such project.

“Buried in a super-secret ‘MAJIC EYES ONLY’ classification that was above TOP SECRET— long before the modern top secret codeword special access programs of today— Major General Leslie R. Groves (who commanded the Manhattan Project to deliver the atomic bomb) kept just one copy of the details of crashed alien technology in his safe in Washington, D.C.”  This is only one of the details that rings true, and places just exactly the right historical figure in the place you would expect to find him in a UFO coverup.

“Vannevar Bush, Albert Einstein, and Robert Oppenheimer, …Hoyt Vandenberg, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, Leslie Groves, and George Marshall, along with a select cast of other experts, feverishly and secretively labored to understand the alien agenda, technology, and their implications.  Einstein and Oppenheimer were called in to give their opinion, drafting a six-page paper titled Relationships With Inhabitants Of Celestial Bodies,” in which they “expressed agitated urgency …to study the alien technology.”  

“The extraordinary recovery of fallen airborne objects in the state of New Mexico, between July 4 - July 6, 1947, caused the Chief of Staff of the Army Air Forces Interplanetary Phenomena Unit, Scientific and Technical Branch, Counterintelligence Directorate…  formed in 1942 in response to two crashes in the Los Angeles area,” submitted a report that begins “‘At 2332 MST, 3 July 47, radar stations in east Texas and White Sands Proving Ground, N.M. tracked two unidentified aircraft until they both dropped off radar.”

This radar event tracks the famous Roswell saucer crash— in fact, two crash sites.  “‘Site LZ-1 was located at a ranch near Corona, Approx. 75 miles northwest of the town of Roswell.   Site LZ-2 was located approx. 20 miles southeast of the town of Socorro, at latitude 33-40-31 and longitude 106-28-29-.’”  There had also been at least two UFO crashes in the U.S. during WWII, and “recovered technology” went into the Manhattan Project, perhaps explaining some of the quantum leap progress in that weirdest of 20th Century colonies.

“The debris from the primary field of the 1947 crash 20 miles southeast of Socorro, New Mexico was called ULAT-1 (Unidentified Lenticular Aerodyne Technology), and it excited metallurgists with its unheard-of tensile and shear strengths.  The fusion nuclear (called neutronic at that time) engine used heavy water and deuterium with an oddly arranged series of coils, magnets, and electrodes,” apparently a “cold fusion” propulsion system.”  Everyone presumed it was “extraterrestrial” in origin. 

“In April 1954, a group of senior officers of the U.S. intelligence community and the Armed Forces gathered for …not just a discussion of sightings, but how to recover crashed UFOs, where to ship the parts, and how to deal with the occupants.”  The team issued the “Special Operations Manual (SOM1-01) Extraterrestrial Entities Technology Recovery and Disposal,” in which “MAJESTIC-12 ‘red teams’ mapped out UFO crash retrieval scenarios” with “press blackouts, body packaging, and live alien transport, isolation, and custody.” 

Your tax dollars at work!  Majestic Documents.com “contains over 500 pages (and growing) of newly surfaced documents, many of which date years before the Roswell crash.   Unlike other websites, a central theme of validating authenticity is woven throughout the site while telling the exciting story of the U.S. government's work on retrieval and analysis of extraterrestrial hardware and alien life forms from 1941 to present.”  It is an excellent example of everything that is good about the Internet: an organic academic work in progress. 

“The Majestic documents tell a mind-boggling story of deception, intelligence and counterintelligence, revolutionary alien technology, missing nuclear weapons, and compartmentalized secrecy spanning in time from the first crashed disc retrieval in 1941 until three days before President Kennedy-s assassination in 1963,” in which the researchers have put in tremendous work “Painstakingly verifying ‘deep throat’ sources, meticulously analyzing old and controversial documents,” to reach conclusions “stunning in their implications.” 

“UFO-related secret programs have consumed a significant part of America’s black budget since the Manhattan Project. The 1997 government-disclosed intelligence budget portion alone is $26 billion and according to Tim Weiner-s 1990 book Blank Check, the total black-budget was about $35 billion in 1990. Even the most sensational conspiracy of modern times—the Kennedy assassination—is likely linked to the UFO cover-up and the military cabal, as several of the documents demonstrate.”

               This says nothing of the unbelievable hemorrhage of cash in Iraq and Afghanistan during the Cheney-Bush-Halliburton Administration.  At one point, Donald Rumsfeld announced that billions had simply gone missing from the Pentagon.  Plans were made to turn the civil order of the U.S. over to Halliburton, which built concentration camps throughout the country, and to the Gestapo Blackwater, the secret police force, known for shooting Iraqi civilians, sent to New Orleans after Katrina to confiscate citizen firearm

During the antiterrorist hysteria 2001-2008, billions in “black budget” funding sank beneath the visible surface of public scrutiny.  At one point, the announcement of a new secret multibillion dollar slush fund for black ops was timed to coincide with news of the capture of Saddam Hussein in his “spider hole.”  This money went into the ultra-covert intelligence corps for surveillance, eavesdropping, and other felonies to be committed by federal agents, such as “rendition,” the kidnap and torture of innocent persons to gain information.

The UFO issue has been treated as a “defense” issue from the outset, and “the United States UFO program grew out of necessity.  First, to determine the alien threat, second to exploit their advanced technology in any way we could to gain a military, economic or even a psychological advantage and win World War II, and third to maintain power, authority, and control of both technology, governments, and world stability.”  The public had to receive and believe lies, and learn to be afraid of mass death from the skies.  

“Initially, to make the project public would have sent unpredictable turmoil into science, religion, politics, and global economics.” This cowardly position, taken by world leaders since the crashes in the late 1940s, says more about the secretkeepers than the perceived delicate balance of civilization they claim to be protecting.  The real reason for the secrecy is twofold: the disclosure of radical new, free technology would wreck the privileges of the wealthy and powerful; and, secondly, would reveal something epically dreadful.

Clues to this hard, central secret can be found throughout the Wood documentary trove.  At times, we see references to a visit to the Roswell witness and scene by Cardinal Spellman, the American Catholic leader, as well as the early involvement in the UFO events by Albert Einstein; the idea that leakage of the truth of the existence of UFOs was a national security risk; the apparent connections between UFOs and the deaths of the likes of John F. Kennedy, James Forrestal, and Marilyn Monroe; and the fusion of outwardly disparate agencies and projects.

The clues point to what at one point (in the summer of 1952) is called a war.  The war is with the pilots of the UFOs— the visitors, the Others.  The weapons are high-tech and secret aircraft and lasers; the casualties are the annual batch of tens of thousands of missing people.  In a time of declared war, of course, the number of missing persons skyrockets.  For example, in WWII, a quarter-million people disappeared in Europe.  Entire regiments in WWI vanished into fogbanks and left pots boiling in empty camps.

The Majestic documents point to this covert war without revealing too many details; those must be gained through a study of exactly how many have gone missing over the years since the reported saucer crashes of the 1940s.  The UFO phenomenon since the very beginning has been a military alert event, a defense issue, a matter of national security— but they have never said exactly why.  My conclusion is that very few have ever known the secret, the real deep, core story.  And what they knew they dare not tell.

Source: Wood, Dr. Robert M., and Wood, Ryan S., “Authentication of MJ-12 Documents,” 1999-2010, at http://www.majesticdocuments.com

Thursday, April 18, 2013

New Rides at the Hell County Fair!

 Keep a trunkfull of bunnies and pull over and let 'em have it!

Hours of fun with junior and his buddies reenacting the French Revolution terror!

Hours of fun with the neighborhood kids playing "Berlin Wall!"

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down that DNA helix!

Mom, Dad, the whole family gets to join in on all the fun on the Hell County Redneck Gangster Ride!

You think you've got it made now, play golf with Jackie Gleason and Richard Nixon, then go view captured alien cadavers at Edwards AFB!

What Hell County doings ever are without the "Roswell Crash Disk" in tow?

The famed Hell County elephant races are on!

Guinea Pig Daytona!  Food of the ancient Mayan astronauts...

Experience Hell's own human-canine brainswitch maneuver! 

Whoa!  Rotting aliens in the trunk of a glowing 64 Malibu!  Did somebody say "time of your life?"

We sure as Hell aren't in Kansas any more, Dorothy you zany chick!

See timetravelers outwit the laws of physics... and haberdashery... with the Dacron Bomb!  Destroys all fashion but leaves the dummies who wear it standing!

What was it like in your grandmother's time, before direct dilating?

The Jimi Hendrix Experience mesmerizing lobsters and crocodiles.

After those triple screws, we would follow you to the bottom of the sea!

Staying at home during the apocalypse is for "the birds," Rod!