Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Note on the “Majestic Documents”

             I have been using particular documents salvaged from the incinerator of history according to a protocol developed by Dr. Robert Wood and his son Ryan Wood.  Anyone can visit their website and see everything for himself.  The original MJ-12 documents have been out in the public for many years, but they lacked any companion material, and had to stand the test of scrutiny alone and without much to recommend them; they were in fact declared “BOGUS” on every page by the FBI.

According to the Wood site, “Majestic is a groundbreaking look at the United States UFO program called Majestic and the top secret government documents that tell the story of presidential and military action, authorization, and cover-up regarding UFOs and their alien occupants,” and “the first to authenticate top secret UFO documents that tell a detailed story of the crashed discs, alien bodies, presidential briefings, and superb secrecy.” 

The documents are traced as far back to their sources as possible.  “Special attention is paid to the forensic authentication issues of content, provenance, type, style and chronology.  The story the documents tell leaves the reader with little doubt that the cover-up is real, shocking, and at times unethical.”  More than that: if only a portion of the material might be proven authentic, and at least that much of it has been, the public has been victimized for decades by a deliberate propagandizing.

“Operation Majestic-12 was established by special classified presidential order on September 24, 1947 at the recommendation of Secretary of Defense James Forrestal and Dr. Vannevar Bush, Chairman of the Joint Research and Development Board. The goal of the group was to exploit everything they could from recovered alien technology.”  This much is also established by consistent documentary proof from sources outside the Woods’ Majestic collection, and Forrestal and Bush would have been at the center of any such project.

“Buried in a super-secret ‘MAJIC EYES ONLY’ classification that was above TOP SECRET— long before the modern top secret codeword special access programs of today— Major General Leslie R. Groves (who commanded the Manhattan Project to deliver the atomic bomb) kept just one copy of the details of crashed alien technology in his safe in Washington, D.C.”  This is only one of the details that rings true, and places just exactly the right historical figure in the place you would expect to find him in a UFO coverup.

“Vannevar Bush, Albert Einstein, and Robert Oppenheimer, …Hoyt Vandenberg, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, Leslie Groves, and George Marshall, along with a select cast of other experts, feverishly and secretively labored to understand the alien agenda, technology, and their implications.  Einstein and Oppenheimer were called in to give their opinion, drafting a six-page paper titled Relationships With Inhabitants Of Celestial Bodies,” in which they “expressed agitated urgency …to study the alien technology.”  

“The extraordinary recovery of fallen airborne objects in the state of New Mexico, between July 4 - July 6, 1947, caused the Chief of Staff of the Army Air Forces Interplanetary Phenomena Unit, Scientific and Technical Branch, Counterintelligence Directorate…  formed in 1942 in response to two crashes in the Los Angeles area,” submitted a report that begins “‘At 2332 MST, 3 July 47, radar stations in east Texas and White Sands Proving Ground, N.M. tracked two unidentified aircraft until they both dropped off radar.”

This radar event tracks the famous Roswell saucer crash— in fact, two crash sites.  “‘Site LZ-1 was located at a ranch near Corona, Approx. 75 miles northwest of the town of Roswell.   Site LZ-2 was located approx. 20 miles southeast of the town of Socorro, at latitude 33-40-31 and longitude 106-28-29-.’”  There had also been at least two UFO crashes in the U.S. during WWII, and “recovered technology” went into the Manhattan Project, perhaps explaining some of the quantum leap progress in that weirdest of 20th Century colonies.

“The debris from the primary field of the 1947 crash 20 miles southeast of Socorro, New Mexico was called ULAT-1 (Unidentified Lenticular Aerodyne Technology), and it excited metallurgists with its unheard-of tensile and shear strengths.  The fusion nuclear (called neutronic at that time) engine used heavy water and deuterium with an oddly arranged series of coils, magnets, and electrodes,” apparently a “cold fusion” propulsion system.”  Everyone presumed it was “extraterrestrial” in origin. 

“In April 1954, a group of senior officers of the U.S. intelligence community and the Armed Forces gathered for …not just a discussion of sightings, but how to recover crashed UFOs, where to ship the parts, and how to deal with the occupants.”  The team issued the “Special Operations Manual (SOM1-01) Extraterrestrial Entities Technology Recovery and Disposal,” in which “MAJESTIC-12 ‘red teams’ mapped out UFO crash retrieval scenarios” with “press blackouts, body packaging, and live alien transport, isolation, and custody.” 

Your tax dollars at work!  Majestic “contains over 500 pages (and growing) of newly surfaced documents, many of which date years before the Roswell crash.   Unlike other websites, a central theme of validating authenticity is woven throughout the site while telling the exciting story of the U.S. government's work on retrieval and analysis of extraterrestrial hardware and alien life forms from 1941 to present.”  It is an excellent example of everything that is good about the Internet: an organic academic work in progress. 

“The Majestic documents tell a mind-boggling story of deception, intelligence and counterintelligence, revolutionary alien technology, missing nuclear weapons, and compartmentalized secrecy spanning in time from the first crashed disc retrieval in 1941 until three days before President Kennedy-s assassination in 1963,” in which the researchers have put in tremendous work “Painstakingly verifying ‘deep throat’ sources, meticulously analyzing old and controversial documents,” to reach conclusions “stunning in their implications.” 

“UFO-related secret programs have consumed a significant part of America’s black budget since the Manhattan Project. The 1997 government-disclosed intelligence budget portion alone is $26 billion and according to Tim Weiner-s 1990 book Blank Check, the total black-budget was about $35 billion in 1990. Even the most sensational conspiracy of modern times—the Kennedy assassination—is likely linked to the UFO cover-up and the military cabal, as several of the documents demonstrate.”

               This says nothing of the unbelievable hemorrhage of cash in Iraq and Afghanistan during the Cheney-Bush-Halliburton Administration.  At one point, Donald Rumsfeld announced that billions had simply gone missing from the Pentagon.  Plans were made to turn the civil order of the U.S. over to Halliburton, which built concentration camps throughout the country, and to the Gestapo Blackwater, the secret police force, known for shooting Iraqi civilians, sent to New Orleans after Katrina to confiscate citizen firearm

During the antiterrorist hysteria 2001-2008, billions in “black budget” funding sank beneath the visible surface of public scrutiny.  At one point, the announcement of a new secret multibillion dollar slush fund for black ops was timed to coincide with news of the capture of Saddam Hussein in his “spider hole.”  This money went into the ultra-covert intelligence corps for surveillance, eavesdropping, and other felonies to be committed by federal agents, such as “rendition,” the kidnap and torture of innocent persons to gain information.

The UFO issue has been treated as a “defense” issue from the outset, and “the United States UFO program grew out of necessity.  First, to determine the alien threat, second to exploit their advanced technology in any way we could to gain a military, economic or even a psychological advantage and win World War II, and third to maintain power, authority, and control of both technology, governments, and world stability.”  The public had to receive and believe lies, and learn to be afraid of mass death from the skies.  

“Initially, to make the project public would have sent unpredictable turmoil into science, religion, politics, and global economics.” This cowardly position, taken by world leaders since the crashes in the late 1940s, says more about the secretkeepers than the perceived delicate balance of civilization they claim to be protecting.  The real reason for the secrecy is twofold: the disclosure of radical new, free technology would wreck the privileges of the wealthy and powerful; and, secondly, would reveal something epically dreadful.

Clues to this hard, central secret can be found throughout the Wood documentary trove.  At times, we see references to a visit to the Roswell witness and scene by Cardinal Spellman, the American Catholic leader, as well as the early involvement in the UFO events by Albert Einstein; the idea that leakage of the truth of the existence of UFOs was a national security risk; the apparent connections between UFOs and the deaths of the likes of John F. Kennedy, James Forrestal, and Marilyn Monroe; and the fusion of outwardly disparate agencies and projects.

The clues point to what at one point (in the summer of 1952) is called a war.  The war is with the pilots of the UFOs— the visitors, the Others.  The weapons are high-tech and secret aircraft and lasers; the casualties are the annual batch of tens of thousands of missing people.  In a time of declared war, of course, the number of missing persons skyrockets.  For example, in WWII, a quarter-million people disappeared in Europe.  Entire regiments in WWI vanished into fogbanks and left pots boiling in empty camps.

The Majestic documents point to this covert war without revealing too many details; those must be gained through a study of exactly how many have gone missing over the years since the reported saucer crashes of the 1940s.  The UFO phenomenon since the very beginning has been a military alert event, a defense issue, a matter of national security— but they have never said exactly why.  My conclusion is that very few have ever known the secret, the real deep, core story.  And what they knew they dare not tell.

Source: Wood, Dr. Robert M., and Wood, Ryan S., “Authentication of MJ-12 Documents,” 1999-2010, at

Thursday, April 18, 2013

New Rides at the Hell County Fair!

 Keep a trunkfull of bunnies and pull over and let 'em have it!

Hours of fun with junior and his buddies reenacting the French Revolution terror!

Hours of fun with the neighborhood kids playing "Berlin Wall!"

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down that DNA helix!

Mom, Dad, the whole family gets to join in on all the fun on the Hell County Redneck Gangster Ride!

You think you've got it made now, play golf with Jackie Gleason and Richard Nixon, then go view captured alien cadavers at Edwards AFB!

What Hell County doings ever are without the "Roswell Crash Disk" in tow?

The famed Hell County elephant races are on!

Guinea Pig Daytona!  Food of the ancient Mayan astronauts...

Experience Hell's own human-canine brainswitch maneuver! 

Whoa!  Rotting aliens in the trunk of a glowing 64 Malibu!  Did somebody say "time of your life?"

We sure as Hell aren't in Kansas any more, Dorothy you zany chick!

See timetravelers outwit the laws of physics... and haberdashery... with the Dacron Bomb!  Destroys all fashion but leaves the dummies who wear it standing!

What was it like in your grandmother's time, before direct dilating?

The Jimi Hendrix Experience mesmerizing lobsters and crocodiles.

After those triple screws, we would follow you to the bottom of the sea!

Staying at home during the apocalypse is for "the birds," Rod!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

OK, what you're looking at it here is a random icon of the great hidden religion of Western Civilization-- the cult, literally-- of the poobahs of the New World Order, the interconnected elitists entitled to membership in the Bilderbergers, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, and Rockefellerist foundations and committees and boards, who are currently squirreling away their wealth to the tune of 20 trillion dollars in offshore accounts, depleting the value of ordinary people's lives and directing world affairs to the brink of collapse-- a scene here from the Bohemian Grove, in California, in 1877.

They have been retreating up to the redwoods to conduct a bizarre set of rituals all this time, every year, presidents and million- or billionaires, Kissingers and the like, and the bottom line of the Bohemian festivals is just this: nothing sacred is sacred, all religion is empty and stylized B.S., everything is hilarious while we are in the woods, all solemn ideas are foolish, even death is a joke, and while we are rich and powerful people in the woods but only for that short time everything is silly-- and so then we can return to the cities contented and get down to the serious business of fleecing the population by controlling their tastes and opinions.

The problem is that if it is not your habit to consider human institutions as essentially foolish undertakings and wide open to the pomp of ridicule or sharp satire, then your joking, specifically confined to special holidays, will be stale and banal.  You will dress in togas and drink novelties, you will scream with laughter at halfbaked puns, your cocktail party will be just like a reception at campaign headquarters for a candidate for the Yakima City Council.  What do the dictators joke about among themselves and some nervous family members?  What do they say about the explosions at street level?  Do they continue to play Parcheesi?


We don't know for sure what they're doing here in 1895.  Mocking the fallen giant with obscene epigrams?  These are men sure that they'll one day own the world.


In 1904, it looks like they have captured Lenin.  

Here is the "Moloch Owl," or giant effigy later to be set afire in another ritual; or the burnt one may be Old Man Gloom, yet another statue of the same size.  Moloch, of course, is the horrible ancient god to whom one sacrificed one's children to be burnt alive.  Moloch is the devourer of offspring; the owl is the old symbol of wisdom.  The smartest thing to do, then, is to reduce the human race?

The giant feast; waiters in white coats!  White tablecloths, dinner dress.  You might ask yourself, what am I doing sitting out in the woods with a bunch of middleaged men dancing, singing, drawing cartoon portraits of naked pals, swimming, playing and sleeping with them? 

Another homoerotic moment at Bohemian Grove, a bonfire with neckties.

Bogus funeral service near caricature of a naked Grovist.

Moloch the Owl again:

 The Bohemian Grove festivals have not stopped; the pictures are all pre-1930.  No elected official or public servant should be attending such a thing without a full explanation in a public forum.  What's all this hankypanky about, and how could any of it be taken as a serious secret?  Out with the cult.  If it is a way for staid buttondowned authorities to get in touch with the gay guys hiding within them and they want to call it art instead of gay, fine, but out with it.  Imagine Richard Nixon there in the dark, playing "Bohemian."  He was there.  Why?

If you go to all this trouble, it means something.  What does it mean?  What are they ashamed of?